xpdOffice™ gives you more of what you want when you need it, from low cost and fast implementation to our high-powered built-in reports. xpdOffice™ is more than impressive technology, you get first-rate support. Below, is a list of the major features of all our modules combined into one efficient PSA software package.
Activity Reporting
Report activity simultaneously with time.
Adding Staff
Add staff to your team in one easy step.
Assign Tasks – Employee
Match an employee to a task in a few mouse clicks.
Assign Tasks – Managers
Integrate tasks and managers to exploit strengths and capabilities.
Budget Management
Compare actual to planned expenditures.
Letter Templates
Communicate effortlessly with your internal and external customers.
A calculator is featured on every main page.
Contract Hours
Visually monitor remaining contract hours.
Contract Management
Establish and define contract parameters and evaluate contract status.
Create Tasks
Digitally establish tasks and milestones in support of contract fulfillment.
Customer ID
Easily document identifying information for customers.
Daily View
Easy to use interface in xpdTime for recording time and status.
Data Import
Populates xpdTime fields with data from compatible external sources.
Deliverable Management
Project management function to establish and monitor project deliverables.
Digital Leave Approval
Electronically approve requests for leave locally or remotely.
Digital Resource Inventories
Centralize files and other resources within your project for quick reference and application to multiple needs.
Digital Tasking
Assign tasks for managers and employees locally or remotely.
Labor Distribution Reports
Labor distribution reports are available anytime and can be exported to Excel and other accounting packages.
Consistent by-product of implementing and using the xpdOffice suite.
Electronic Signatures
Approve timecards, leave requests, and expense reports without paper.
Employee Management
Manage personal and project employee information – combined function of xpdTime™, xpdHr™, and xpdContracts™.
Enhanced Communication
Communicate with internal staff and external customers from the same interface.
Enter Holiday Time
Report hours away from work on organizational holidays.
Enter Leave Time
Report hours away from work based on earned leave.
Enterprise Application
An application supporting essential business processes such as xpdOffice.
Establish Contracts
Define contract terms in xpdContract™.
Expense Reporting
Desktop or remote reporting of expenses.
Export to Excel
All xpdOffice™ reports are Excel import and export compatible.
Export to MS Word
All xpdOffice™ reports and letters are Word import and export compatible.
Consistent by-product of implementing and using the xpdOffice™ suite.
Flexible Leave Definition
xpdOffice™ offers full flexibility in self-defining leave types and durations.
Focused Documentation
xpdOffice™ offers printed, electronic, and condensed forms of product documentation as part of the product.
Global Expense Reporting
All organizational expense reports can be filed from anywhere in the world via a web enabled computer.
Individual Status
Record daily activity in xpdTime™.
Instant Expense Approval
Sign expense reports digitally.
Invoice Review
Review project invoice information at any time.
xpdOffice™ invoicing is accurate and paperless.
Job Assignment
Assign jobs to employees with the xpdContracts™ module.
Manage Personnel
Modules of xpdOffice™ support employee information input and editing, task scheduling, and customer invoicing.
Newest Technology
The ASP model for xpdOffice™ implementation assures that the newest technology is always provided to our customers.
Password Protection
A key feature requiring entry of both a user ID and password to access the software.
Pay Period View
Single mouse click access to time and status entries on the Daily View.
Phone Support
xpdOffice™ is first and foremost intuitive and simple to use. Ample printed and electronic documentation is available. In rare cases where these are insufficient, xpdIent inc offers telephone support by fully qualified product specialists.
Consistent by-product of implementing and using the xpdOffice™ suite.
Project Management
Remotely manage all personnel, budgets, documents, and invoicing for all your projects.
QuickBooks Communication
Capability within xpdTime™ to seamlessly import data from Quickbooks.
Remote Status Checks
Managers can review employee activity from any web enabled computer worldwide.
Resource Management
Manage all personnel, budgets, documents, and invoicing for all your projects.
Maintain project deliverable schedules within xpdTime™.
Self performance Evaluation
A paperless employee self-evaluation that is initiated, completed and approved by a manager.
Simple Task Generation
Intuitively generate tasks required to complete all your projects.
Task Accountability
Easily maintain records of task completion along with an audit trail of every transaction with xpdOffice™.
Task Assignment
Quickly assign employees to tasks with a few mouse clicks.
Task List Development
Develop task lists easily in support of project management.
Task Management
Draw on several xpdTime modules to set priorities, assign tasks, track task completion and time expended, monitor deliverable parameters, and more.
Template-based Intranet
Unique tools to develop an intranet or web site within a day without leaving the xpdOffice interface.
Timesheet Approval
Paperless timesheet approval from any web-enabled computer.
Built-in tools for data security and application management.
View All Employees
Instantly view all time, activity, expense and leave records for your organization.
View Approved Timesheets
Instantly view all approved timesheet records for your organization.
Convenient, secure, and rapid mode of operation for xpdOffice™.